Xbox Game Pass

How to cancel Xbox Game Pass subscription, get a refund or contact Xbox support.


To cancel your Xbox Game Pass subscription, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Access your Microsoft subscriptions list:
  2. Login to your Microsoft account if prompted.
  3. There you should see Xbox Game Pass subscription listed.
    Click on – Manage
  4. Click – Cancel subscription
  5. You will see a Benefits page, scroll that page to the bottom and click on – Cancel Subscription button

This method will work from both computers and mobile devices


Xbox can issue a refund automatically when you cancel their subscription. They automatic system somehow detect if you were using service, or when you cancel it right after you was charged.

Also in different cases, refunds can be requested via Xbox customer support.

Ways to contact Xbox support


  1. The easiest way to contact their support is from the cancelation page:
  2. There you need to select Contact us.
  3. Then describe your issue, to reveal See contact options menu.

Microsoft Support Phone Number:

US: (800) 642 7676

Xbox Support email address:

Doesn’t provide email support