Microsoft 365

How to cancel Microsoft 365 subscription, get a refund or contact Microsoft support.


To cancel your Microsoft 365 subscription, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the subscription management page:
  2. Login to your Microsoft account if prompted.
  3. Select “Cancel subscription” (it might also say Upgrade or cancel)
  4. Access the “Please review” page, to check the information.
  5. Scroll that page to the bottom and select “I don’t want my subscription” in order to cancel it.


Microsoft can issue a refund automatically when you cancel their subscription. If you’re eligible for a refund you will see that information when you cancel your subscription

Also in different cases, refunds can be requested via Microsoft customer support.

Ways to contact Microsoft 365 support


  1. You can contact Microsoft from this page:
  2. There you need to select “Microsoft 365”.
  3. Then click on “Get Home Support”.
  4. Next you will see a We’re here to help window, write your issue into that window and click “Get Help”
  5. You may see a list of the support articles, scroll to the bottom and click “Contact Support”

Microsoft Support Phone Number:

US: (800) 642 7676

Microsoft Support email address:

No known email address yet